Calathea Makoyana, also known as the Peacock Plant, has intricate patterns on its leaves that resemble a peacock’s feathers, bringing a tropical vibe indoors.
Origins: Brazil
Care Tips: Thrives in low to moderate, indirect light and requires consistent moisture. Maintain high humidity for best results.
Light Requirements: Low to moderate, indirect light.
Watering Requirements: Keep soil consistently moist but not soggy.
Soil Requirements: Well-draining, peat-based potting mix.
Propagation: Division
Humidity and Temperature Requirements: High humidity; temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).
Additional information: We pack your houseplants in a sturdy box designed specifically for houseplants. The plants and potting soil are protected by a protective cover. The houseplants are secured in the box. This way, your houseplant will not only be delivered fresh and healthy, but also undamaged. All houseplants are carefully selected by our plant experts and shipped directly from our nursery. Each plant is unique and might differ from the one in the pictures.
Calathea Makoyana – Ø21cm – ↕70cm
Calathea Makoyana, also known as the Peacock Plant, has intricate patterns on its leaves that resemble a peacock’s feathers, bringing a tropical vibe indoors.